
The Heat Pump Ready programme supports 36 projects across 2 streams: High-density deployment and Optimised solutions development.

Project Gaia

  • Lead organisation: EDF Energy R&D
  • Location: Teignbridge, Devon
  • Location category: Rural
  • Heat Pump Ready grant value: £199,143.10
  • Project partners: EDF Energy Customers Limited, Urbanomy UK Limited, Devon County Council, Kensa Utilities, University of Sheffield
  • Project subcontractors: Teign Energy Community, Exeter Communities Energy Organisation, Kensa Contracting, Genius Energy Labs, Enzen, University College London

Project overview

Project Gaia aims to address the upfront cost barriers of ground source heat pump installation and increase the accessibility of heat pump technology. This will be achieved by considering the feasibility of configuring heat pumps as part of an ambient shared loop array, leading to higher energy efficiencies, and maintaining consumer familiarity by following a similar business model to the existing gas network.

If successful in phase 2, it is expected that the underground infrastructure would be owned and maintained by a utility company, but individual heat pump units and tertiary systems would be owned by the consumer. This split-ownership model reduces the capital cost compared to installing an individual ground source heat pump, therefore making heat pumps a more accessible and affordable option.

This project was supported during phase 1 of Heat Pump Ready to prepare a feasibility study. The final report is published below: