
The Heat Pump Ready programme supports 35 projects across 2 streams: High-density deployment and Optimised solutions development.

Archetypal heat pump retrofit for 175,000 non-trads

  • Lead organisation: RJ Barwick
  • Heat Pump Ready grant value: £899,000.00
  • Project partners: None

Project overview

1 million non traditional homes in the UK have poor energy performance, putting their occupiers at increased risk of fuel poverty, and presenting a key challenge to standardised energy efficiency measures that typically precede a heat pump installation.

This project will utilise the Energiesprong approach to develop optimum standardised whole house retrofit solutions for four of the most challenging and/or common non traditional home archetypes across sites in West Kent. The housing stock of West Kent Housing Association & Gravesham Borough Council will be used for these pilots, with selected archetypes that have inherent design complexities, assisting the development of optimum solutions in the future. There is a consistency of non traditional archetypes across geographic areas, presenting an opportunity for other Kent landlords to join the pilot at a later date. Each house has its own complexities and sharing of practical archetypal retrofit knowledge on ‘hard to treat’ non traditional homes underpins this project.